Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Love-To Find or To Discover or to Realize?!!

I asked myself a question what is love & where to find it. Is it a feeling that can only be felt or is it that tickle which you feel when you see someone special or is it a thing that can be seen..... then I realized the answer..... LOVE is every thing, your feeling for ur parents is love, ur feeling for a friend is love, ur feeling for a girl/boy friend is love,ur feeling for nature, music, cars, job is love even ur feeling for enemy is negative love................

People always say I will find that love, but when somebody ask them what actually they meant by it they find it difficult to find the right answer. People say love is blind, but they fail to understand why the lover has fallen in love. People say love make people insane, but they fails to understand the pain of loosing a loved one. People say  love changes a person completely, but they fails to understand it is not the love it is the willingness to not loose the loved one changes a person.

So now comes few very interesting questions... What ever happens around you is it not god's love for you?? so why always we are always seeking love while it is all around us.....?? rather than going after unknown love why don't we enjoy love that is around us..... ? why are we always looking for someone new while the ones we are with are sufficient to live our life happily ?? why people don't understand that love is not about always looks and glamor it is actually a mutual understanding between two people ?? why people sometimes even fails to understand love?? why don't they acknowledge there love for someone, even though living apart form that someone give pain??

I guess there could be many reason, like our unsatisfied life style, out community, our greed, our jealousy, our needless desires, our ignorance, lack of time management/lack of time... There could be many reasons but the main reason is that we never care about somebody close to us because we take it for granted that that person will always be there for us, and when that person is gone we then realize the loss is so big that it can make us Insane.

So guys stop looking for love and feel it around, be realistic in you needs, be happy with what you have with little desires and trust me love will find its way to you when you starts enjoying it rather than searching it :D oh & remember great people has always said " LOVE IS ALL AROUND YOU ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS OPEN YOUR ARMS & LET LOVE ENTER INTO YOUR LIFE ".......................

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